
Natalia Lafourcade Honors Vulnerability



Natalia Lafourcade is a multi-Grammy award-winning contemporary musical artist, songwriter, singer, and producer from the state of Veracruz. Throughout her nearly 20-year career she has been part of countless musical projects and among her most popular songs are En el 2000, Un derecho de nacimiento, Hasta la Raíz, Nunca es suficiente, Tú sí sabes quererme and De todas las flores, among others. Natalia Lafourcade speaks to Tamarindo about De Todas las Flores, a musical diary inspired by different life experiences. It is a piece that honors vulnerability, life and death, femininity, nature, the mystical, love and heartbreak.  Tamarindo is a lighthearted show hosted by Brenda Gonzalez and Delsy Sandoval talking about politics, culture, and self-development. We’re here to uplift our community through powerful conversations with changemakers, creatives, and healers. Join us as we delve into discussions on race, gender, representation, and life! You can get in touch with us at www.tamarindopodcast.com Brenda Gon