Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

Righteousness; Temperance and Judgement to Come



Acts 24:24 — In this sermon on Acts 24:24 titled “Righteousness: Temperance and Judgment to Come, “ Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on two questions: how is the gospel to be presented and how are people to listen to the gospel? The gospel is reason, and people must think and be confronted with the truth. This gospel is not merely entertainment. Learn about the character of God and how He created people to be His righteous companions. What happened? Made in the image and likeness of God, people are to have self-control and temperance. The meaning of temperance is addressed alongside righteousness—one being the general principle, while the other is concerned with application in daily living. What distinguishes humans from animals? Animals are controlled by instinct, but people have souls with reasoning and understanding. Judgment will come and people will be held responsible before God, but they can look at the perfect provision He provided. Only a person’s fear can drive them to salvation. Why do people reject