Navaid Aziz

He Who Has No One Has Allah



Not a single dry eye in the house fam! ❤Oldy but a goody by Shaykh Navaid Aziz We need to change our perspective to see the reality of this world. We live with all the luxury and comfort, but we forget even the blessings are a test from Allah.That is the reality: this life is a test.Trials and Tribulation is not only calamity or pain, it is also the blessings. Whether we are being tested by pain or pleasure, they should both lead to Allah.When it comes to tests, we have 2 choices: deal with the pain and get close to Allah, or prolong the pain and collect pity from people. Don’t get in to isolation, as prolonged isolation is very detrimental to the situation. This is when we need to be next to the believers, who will remind us of Allah.It is not about how we live in this world, it is about how we will be raised in front of Allah. Whatever we die upon, is what we shall be raised upon. So let our last deed be the best deed.There is a blessing in trials that we don’t perceive. Trials and tribulations are means