Hong Kong Confidential

S1E80: 80| Change Your Mindset



Angela Hancock grew up in the U.K. and had a lovely early childhood with her single mother. One day, when she was 13, she returned home to find a man living in her house with her mother. This man went on to sexually abuse Angela and she now found herself living in a house full of violence and misery. She also did not fit in at school and felt like she was ‘on the outside looking in’. Angela was kicked out of home at 16 and developed bulimia which was eventually replaced with an addiction to exercise. Angela moved to Hong Kong and ended up marrying a violent and abusive man whom she could not escape from. She was given a reprieve when he died by accident. This is when Angela turned her life around. She read a lot of self-help books and did come visualisation work- focusing on achieving the life that she truly wanted and deserved. Angela met a gorgeous man and went on to become a health coach, where she coaches people in a wonderful nutritional program called Isagenix. Angela reminds us that everybo