Kavaski Ervin

"Black Tuesday" History Lesson



1. Stock Market Crash of 1929 • Then: The Great Depression kicked off with the infamous stock market crash in October 1929, often known as “Black Tuesday.” People realized their life savings had become… well, imaginary. • Now: Nowadays, we have more regulation (and TikTok) to help prevent massive stock crashes. But if you’re investing, watching your portfolio now is a lot like refreshing your ex’s Instagram—better do it sparingly.2. Banks Went Bust • Then: Nearly half of the U.S. banks failed. People went from “my bank is my best friend” to “I should probably keep my cash under my mattress.” • Now: With stronger bank protections and FDIC insurance, today’s recession isn’t quite as dire in the banking sector. Although, if your online bank is named after a fruit or sounds like a tech startup, you might want to double-check.3. The Dust Bowl – Mother Nature’s Curveball • Then: Severe droughts and over-farming led to the Dust Bowl, turning fertile lands into, well, dust. Crops vanished, as did hope for many farmer