Lead To Win With Michael Hyatt

3 Big Mistakes Leaders Make When Delegating |Amy Porterfield



Chances are that you're delegating wrong.Our coaching programs has worked with thousands of business owners to help them achieve more while doing less. No matter the industry, there is one area that these leaders almost universally fail to recognize and leverage: delegation. Without proper delegation, your company can only grow to the size that you can personally handle. The best way to add capacity to what your business is capable of doing is to bring other people onto the team and properly train them to execute on your vision.Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller use their business coaching experience to share three mistakes that business owners regularly make when delegating. After that, Joel Miller speaks business owner and New York Times Best-Selling author, Amy Porterfield. She shares some of her philosophies and processes for delegating. She also shares a story about what poorly delegated projects can cost your business (to the tune of $20,000!).For more on Amy Porterfield's new book, Two Week's Notice: