Windy City Irish Radio

Windy City Irish Radio - May 18, 2016



Opening this weekend, Artemisia, A Chicago Theatre presents Chewing on Beckett. Inspired by Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Beckett's own aversion to female actors performing in it, this original story, written by Artemisia's own Ed Proudfoot and directed by renowned Chicago director Steve Scott, is part romance, part Mad Max: Fury Road with comedy, tragedy, and the woman's touch that is the trademark of Artemisia thrown in for good measure. Tune in as Tim and Mike welcome Ed Proudfoot into the studio to talk about this new production opening at the Frontier Theatre in Edgewater this weekend. Also join us for the music of Chicago Gaelic Park's Irish Festival with JigJam, The Elders, The Fenians, Lachlan, Socks in the Frying Pan, Screaming Orphans. Tune in for more music from Kerry sensation Walking On Cars in advance of their show this Sunday at Subterranean and The Gloaming and Martin Hayes & Dennis Cahill who are performing at the Old Town School of Folk Music on May 28th