Anna Hughes Podcast

Anna Hughes - On race nutrition and how to prevent stomach issues



Eating and drinking in training and in races can be a real science. If you decide to make it one.  Today, I´m shining the light on a topic that is on the one side, very individual and on the other, something where some guidelines can indeed work for most endurance athletes.  I share my personal experience from last week´s ultra marathon where I ran for 11 hours and put another experience in the books.  Where no stomach issues played a role.  Where I could perfectly sustain my energy levels.  Where I suffered from no headaches or swollen fingers.  Where I felt well -hydrated throughout. Where I didn´t need solid foods and got my calories from using  one product only.  It works for you if you´re sensitive and often suffer from an upset stomach and energy lows. Enjoy this episode.  Folge direkt herunterladen