Locke In Your Success Podcasts

The Trading Discipline Process



Many traders miss out learning the trading discipline process. People typically get into trading because they want to make money and they believe that trading is the easiest way available to them in order to do so. This being the case, most people enter trading with the expectation of finding an indicator or strategy where all they need to follow the instructions and then sit back and collect the cash. Those with this expectation soon find out that trading is much more challenging than originally thought. That said, from a mechanical standpoint, making money in the market can be quite simple, however from a mental perspective, consistently winning take a tremendous amount of self-discipline and self-trust. In this episode, we uncover the most common missing component necessary for success in the markets. Take in the 13 key points of the episode or see them written out in the show notes at: https://www.lockeinyoursuccess.com/the-trading-discipline-process/ Subscribe to our email list to receive each podcast