Denise Walsh - Dream Cast

Episode 116 - Lessons From A Recovering Perfectionist with Rachel Brooks



Rachel Brooks is a Fitness & Lifestyle Coach, Author, Writer and a Self-Love Advocate who empowers women to become their best selves through the practice of creating a positive mindset, a healthy body and a soul filled with self-love, self-acceptance, gratitude, and forgiveness.For many years, Rachel struggled with body dysmorphia to eating disorders, to self-esteem issues to accepting the value of self-worth. She sought after “perfection” only to find that she was chasing an illusion that she had created in my mind. To her, perfection was what I saw in magazines and what the media portrayed, leading her down a dark path of self-destruction while living in extremes.Through sharing my life experiences and transformational journey, She realized that she am not alone. Many people have and are going through their own life struggles, similar to her, which has inspired me to share and write my story and to give back and help others live life with passion and purpose. She is living proof that change is possible.