

How about a little quiz? Don’t worry, it’s only one question—Do you control your ego, or does your ego control you? Many of us have been taught to regard the idea of ego with suspicion and judgment. We hear that ego is synonymous with selfishness and try to do whatever we can to get away from it. The truth is, the ego is an integral part of your being, and an important ingredient to designing a healthy, balanced life. The trick is just to be in control of it, rather than letting it guide your life. If at the core of your actions is a desire to help others and add value to their lives regardless of your own benefit, but you understand the need to also make a living, you probably have a pretty healthy ego. On the other hand, if at the core of your actions is a desire to get noticed, to receive accolades, and to be remembered, then your ego is probably getting a little ahead of you. No need to worry, though – there is hope for us all! In this episode, you will… Learn how to transform purpose into profit Under