

Have you noticed how divided we have become as a society? The media is constantly pushing narratives that categorize people into groups, fostering animosity and even hate towards those who have different beliefs and opinions than we do.  When we focus on our differences, we feel disconnected from one another. It not only hurts us as individuals, but collectively as a society. When we choose to see each other from the perspective of our similarities, our commonalities, and our sameness, we feel connected. We feel love, even when we disagree on topics, concepts, or beliefs. On today’s podcast, I’m inviting all of us to remember that we are all fundamentally the same, that ALL of us have far more in common than we have differences, and that each of us has a responsibility to do our part to heal humanity’s division.  Today, I want to explore why our differences are actually superficial, who we really are at our core, and the very real possibility that there’s a higher level of consciousness we can all access with