

Outer freedom gives you the ability to create the circumstances that you want for your life. Inner freedom allows you to enjoy your life, regardless of the circumstances. These concepts exist in an inherent conflict with one another. When we pursue outer freedom, there’s a part of us that feels like our life could be better, and when we focus on our inner freedom, part of us celebrates the fact that life’s perfect, exactly as it is. So, how do we address that contradiction? In today’s episode, I want to show you how to get everything you want for your life while enjoying what you already have. By the end of our time together, I hope to help you reconcile these conflicting emotions and discover why your life is perfect–regardless of your circumstances. KEY TAKEAWAYS Why almost everyone would prefer to improve their circumstances rather than be perfectly content with what they already have. Why the life you think you want won’t make you happier but will eventually lead you back to the hedonic treadmill. How to