

Earlier this year, we talked about how to prepare yourself “logistically” for the challenges that might be on the horizon, such as the likelihood of a major recession, and supply chain issues that are causing shortages of everything from baby formula to microchips to paper, and most concerning - the coming food shortages that many have been anticipating.  But no matter how much logistical preparation we do, we can’t be prepared for anything, because we can’t predict the future.  However, there’s an entire other aspect of preparation that we do have the ability to be prepared for anything, and that is “mental” preparation.  You’ve probably heard me say this many times over the years, no matter what your circumstances are, you have the ability to control your emotional state. While most people allow the world around them to determine how they feel (which often causes fear, anxiety, and depression)—you can learn how to maintain the optimal emotional state even when facing the most difficult circumstances. In tod