

How consistent are you when it comes to doing what you need to do to achieve your goals? Be honest with yourself!  If you feel like you’re not as consistent as you want or need to be, that’s okay. Consistency is something even high achievers struggle to maintain, and there’s nothing wrong with needing help in this area.  In today’s episode, inspired by a survey I sent to the Miracle Morning community, I want to talk to you about what you can do to set yourself up for success and improve your follow-through.  You’ll learn four time-tested and proven techniques you can apply to any goal, how to hold yourself accountable, and what you can do right now to transform your life and bring about meaningful change.  During today’s conversation, we dive into how to implement the following four (4) Steps to Improve Your Consistency:  Step 1: Identify your goal. Determine what you’re working towards and clarify whether the activities are more important than the outcomes. Step 2: Identify your bad habits. Cut out the one