

Have you ever felt apathy, depression, fear, or uncertainty about your future? Today’s guest, Neil Pasricha, will give you the simple ways in which you can transcend those feelings and replace them with ones that’ll make you happier. Neil is the best-selling author of seven books that sold over 2 million copies and spent over 200 weeks on bestseller lists, including The Book of Awesome, The Happiness Equation and Two-Minute Mornings. His first TED talk, The 3 A’s of Awesome, ranks among the “10 Most Inspiring of all time,” and his latest book, Our Book of Awesome: A Celebration of the Small Joys That Bring Us Together, just released. In today’s conversation, Neil shares his super simple framework you can use to be happier, the life-changing power of gratitude, and why the perfect day always starts with the perfect morning. KEY TAKEAWAYS The two-minute morning routine and how it can change your life. The power of vulnerability in creating deep relationships. The way you look at the world determines how you ex