

Religion can be a very polarizing and even taboo topic. That’s why most people shy away from it at work, dinner parties, and family gatherings. But today, I want to challenge the notion that our differences define us and approach this sensitive topic from the perspective of unity. Regardless of whether you believe in a God or a divine force or are undecided about the existence of something greater, I believe the core thread that unites us all is a shared spirit that transcends those labels. In this episode, I’m sharing my journey with faith and spirituality and reflecting on the experiences that have shaped my understanding. It’s easy to conflate being religious with being spiritual, but there’s an important distinction there, and understanding it can open up a whole new perspective on what it means to seek something bigger than yourself. I’ll also explore the common values across various religious practices as they can be powerful tools for living a meaningful life, regardless of where you stand on the spiri