Kinsella On Liberty

KOL010 | Decline to State Aftershow: Q&A



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast: Episode 010. I appeared recently on Decline to State, discussing Locke, property rights, intellectual property, anarchy, and so on; see KOL009. I also participated in the Aftershow. From their description: Show #39.1: Aftershow for January 23 2013 Stephan Kinsella joins us for the aftershow. He answers some listener questions, talks about dispute resolution and contract, and shares his many insights into the liberty movement at large. Enjoy this special bonus content, everyone! Around 3:30, Rudd-O mentions that his having his eyes opened on IP helped him become a full-fledged libertarian/anarchist. It's interesting to me that there are so many paths to liberty: Rand, Read, Bastiat, Milton Friedman, Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, Ron Paul, and even IP abolitionism. Amazing.