Dolman Law Group Podcast

Why You Need A Truck Accident Lawyer



If you’ve been in an auto-accident, the first thing you’re wondering is your health and wellness. It’s important that you find a great auto-accident attorney whose goal is to help you receive maximum relief. However, if you’ve been in an automobile accident involving a semi-truck things become more complicated. Due to different state and federal regulations concerning semi-trucks, murky liability theories, and the deep pockets of trucking companies, these cases can’t be treated the same as a normal car accident. You not only need to find a great auto-accident lawyer, you need one with truck accident expertise or access to a truck accident expert.Matt Dolman outlines that there are many blind spots that lawyers have including the amount of hours truckers are allowed to drive, negligent claims including negligent maintenance, and having the money and relationships with truck experts that will track down all the information from the accident and apply that information to your case.  Stan Gipe also