E-com Sales Tax

Obtain Peace of Mind With Sales Tax Through a What's Next Call



Our biggest goal here at Peisner Johnson is to bring peace of mind to those that have to deal with sales tax. If you sell products or services you are probably subject to some level of sales taxes. Sales tax laws are constantly changing. When you are out on the internet looking for the answers you need more often than not you come out the other end more confused and stressed out. We have created a simple process to help you with the not so simple subject of sales tax. It all starts with what we call a What's Next call. Today I have invited Jason Parr our CEO, Paul Johnson our VP of Operations, and Danny Wright our Director of Marketing and Sales to discuss what this FREE What's Next call looks like and how it can bring you peace of mind.Additional Questions Answered:What is a What's Next call?What will be addressed in this call?Will you be trying to sell me your services?If you haven't been on a What's Next call or you would like to get on another one schedule yours here: https://peis