E-com Sales Tax

Are You Happy With Your Sales Tax Compliance Solution?



There are really 3 different methods of sales tax compliance; in house, automated technology providers, and outsourcing of course. No matter how your sales tax compliance is handled a recent survey done suggests that 71% of people who are in charge of sales tax in their company are unhappy with their current solution. In today's episode we talk about the different methods of sales tax compliance and what would work best for you.Additional Questions Asked:What are my sales tax compliance options?What are some difficulties do you run into with in house solutions?What do I need to know about collecting and filing my sales tax returns?What are some difficulties do you run into with automated technology solutions?What are automated sales tax technology solutions?What are the biggest complaints with sales tax technology solutions?What does sales tax compliance look like if I outsource to Peisner Johnson?If you are one of those that aren't happy with their current sales tax compliance solutions. Get on a F