E-com Sales Tax

Do You Know Your Sales Tax Responsibilities?



When someone new engages with us we almost always start with a sales tax risk analysis. Once you find out that you have some sort of sales tax responsibility this analysis should be your next step. With this analysis you will receive a report that will help you decide what to do next. This could mean that you need to get registered for sales tax, engage in a VDA, or do nothing. Since Paul and Jason have engaged in literally thousands of these. So, I asked them to give me some idea of what they cover in one of these sales tax risk analysis.Additional Questions Answered:What is economic nexus?What is physical Nexus?Why is is important to determine the taxability of my product and services?Why is knowing how I sell my product important when it comes to sales tax?What can I expect from a sales tax risk analysis?Can I do a risk analysis on my own?If you would like to know what your sales tax responsibilities are or you had one done and would like a 2nd opinion? Sign up for a free What's Next call and we can g