E-com Sales Tax

Better Sales Tax Advice is a What's Next Call Away



On our podcast episodes we talk a lot about getting on a What's Next Call with us. What we haven't done is go through what a What's Next Call consists of. While this may not be an actual recorded call it is as close as it gets. I asked Paul and Danny to give us a reenactment of a recent call with a new contact that had some questions.  In this particular scenario a business got some bad advice from a professional but now they are suffering the consequences.  They ended up collecting sales where they weren't registered to remit the sales tax. This results in tax being collected and not being remitted. This can be considered as fraud in the states eyes. Surprisingly, this is a very common situation that we run into. So, get your popcorn and enjoy.A What's Next Call has the potential of changing the tide of your sales tax woes. If this sounds like a similar situation you find yourself in, reach out to us today! https://peisnerjohnson.com/whats-next/