Madison Church

Healing Conflicts with Humility | Emotionally Healthy Relationships (Part 4) | Jason Webb



Are your relationships suffering from constant conflict? Does pride secretly take the driver's seat when it comes to your emotional health? Get ready to discover the root of conflict through the lens of James 4, as we tackle the power of pride and humility in building or tearing down relationships. Don't let pride continue to damage your connections - it's time for a healthy change.We'll also expose the dangers of pride and envy that often trigger conflicts in our lives. Learn how counting someone else's blessings instead of our own can lead to envy and resentment, and how to recognize signs of pride in ourselves. It's time to take a step back and assess how these issues impact our relationships and emotional well-being.Finally, let's dive into practical ways to overcome pride in our relationships, using James 4 as our guide. By submitting to God, resisting the real enemy, and admitting our need for help, we can foster humility and surrender our relationships to a higher pow