Madison Church

A Journey Through the Bible: From Misunderstandings to Revelations



Ever wondered why the Bible, a seemingly ancient text, still holds so much power and relevance in our modern world? Or have you questioned why certain stories in the Bible stir up so much controversy? We're tackling these questions head-on in our latest series, seeking to uncover the enduring mystery and power of the Bible. We invite you to join us, armed with humility and an open mind, as we navigate the complexities of biblical texts and their impact on our faith and beliefs. This series isn't just about understanding or interpreting the text; it’s about exploring how the Bible informs our relationship with God and guides us in loving one another. We engage with Dan Kimball's teachings and address some tough questions, such as whether God endorses violence, or if the Bible is anti-women or anti-science. We also delve into the world of Bible translations, discussing how mistranslations can lead to misunderstandings. Have you heard about the unicorns mentioned in the King James Version of the B