Madison Church

When You Have No One To Talk With | Circles (Part 2) | Stephen Feith



If you’re a follower of Jesus today, part of what you “signed up” for was a relationship with God and other people. It’s mission-critical that you do. Why don’t we do it more often? There are obstacles. Here are the three most significant barriers people tell us: fear, tiredness, and busyness.Fear. We have to talk, open ourselves up, and be vulnerable. That’s difficult. It can be scary to let people see us. What if you go out to brunch with that person who asked you to, and they’re a weirdo? Or what if they find out you’re the weirdo?Tiredness. Fatigue affects every area of your life. Being tired is not just keeping you from going to a group once a week for a couple of months or getting together with a friend.Busyness. We’re all busy people. My calendar is jam-packed with things. Your calendar is jam-packed with things. Sarah wrote about this in the last post, which is worth reading: matter the obstacle, when you feel like you need a circle the least is whe