Madison Church

Pray Like This... (Part 5) | Spiritual Warfare | Jason Webb



There are a lot of spaces in our lives where we may think that evil has won. It's not just our world or our city; it's our lives. Our boss criticizes us. The doctor comes in and say says it's cancer. Your dream marriage becomes a nightmare. My kids make decisions that go against everything I've taught them. Our financial security is no longer secure.You think to yourself, evil has won. For those of us who have felt this, or feel this way now, Jesus offers us a lifeline in the form of a famous prayer that we've been studying here for the last few weeks. I want us to look at the very last line of this prayer: "Rescue us from the evil one" (Matthew 6:13).If God's ever going to rescue us from evil, there are some things we need to know. We need to know our enemy. You and I are at war, but the problem is that we've identified the wrong enemy. We think our boss or spouse is our enemy. We believe our friend who betrayed us or took advantage of us is our enemy. Some of us