Madison Church

MC Asks: I Want To Give, But My Spouse Doesn't... What Do I Do?



MC Asks: I want to give, but my spouse or partner doesn't... What do I do?This is a really great question because of how relevant it is. There are people worldwide who practice Christianity and follow Jesus, but the other person in the relationship doesn't. That can work out for a while, but when it comes to financial generosity, it can become a conflict because our incomes and expenses are often shared in these relationships.Talking about the giving aspect of our faith involves the other person in ways we're not necessarily used to including them. The other person may not want to donate for several reasons. They may not have any religion or different beliefs than you. You might attend church together but interpret biblical financial stewardship differently.Sometimes, your spouse or partner might have grown up in and around the church and experienced abuse and/or neglect. Reasonably, it will be tough for them to tolerate giving money to the local church.When conversing about giving, the convers