Madison Church

Embracing Disruption and Recommitment | Disruptive Church (Part 4) | Stephen Feith



What if the life-changing, soul-shaking, breathtaking vision Jesus had for the church wasn't about a physical building at all? Imagine a church where community and relationships with God and one another trump everything else, and where mission isn't what we do but who we are. We're peeling back the layers of tradition and challenging the norms, exploring the journey of leading a disruptive church ministry that seeks to live out this vision. From bomb threats to Instagram trolls, we've faced both hostility and humor in our pursuit of a Jesus-centric faith. But, we've also discovered the power of saying no to good things to make room for better ones, realizing that breaking away from the conventional path can lead us closer to God. And in refining our paths, we've learned that it's crucial to invite others into the journey, to be a community that supports one another in the highs, lows and in-betweens. So, join us in being the church, not just attending church, as we navigate