Madison Church

Unfolding the Bible's Journey: From Ancient Texts to Living Faith



Ever wondered about the complex journey of the Bible from ancient manuscripts to the book on your nightstand? Join me, Stephen Feith, as we traverse this historical landscape, piecing together the remarkable story of the scriptures. We dive into the Bible's origins and its enduring narrative—a narrative that centers around the figure of Jesus, whose life reshaped history and whose teachings have transcended generations. This episode promises to deepen your understanding of the Bible's compilation and the profound impact of oral traditions in preserving the story of Christianity's cornerstone.Could the New Testament's claims about Jesus withstand the scrutiny of historical inquiry? We examine the robust evidence supporting the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, acknowledging the challenges and affirming the extraordinary nature of his story. As followers of Christ, we are often called to defend the faith against skeptics, and this episode equips you with the historical context and archaeol