Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

122: Joanie Connell on Being True to Yourself



Dr. Joanie Connell is the founder of Flexible Work Solutions, a consulting firm that specializes in leadership assessment and development.  She is the author of Flying without a Helicopter: How to Prepare Young People for Work and Life.  She received her doctorate from UC Berkeley and her bachelors from Harvard. Playing Small Moment After Joanie had graduated with her Psychology degree, she decided to apply for the CSPP (California School of Professional Psychology). When CSPP made the offer, she accepted the salary, which was in alignment with the wage Berkley stated. Joanie didn’t counter; she accepted it as is. The program director at CSPP boosted her salary because he realized she didn’t negotiate and was worth more than she was initially offered. The Wake Up Call Joanie had her wake up call after she left her previous job of being a professor over a decade ago. Joanie became a consultant and wasn’t sure what she could offer others that hadn’t been offered before. One of her contacts called her to develop