Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

Bonus Episode: Not Enough Time Equals Not Enough Energy



Today we are talking about Time vs. Energy. I don’t know if you can claim with full confidence that you have plenty of time but I have yet to hear that said or see it written anywhere. We’re all wanting more time and we never seem to get it but I’m going to propose we’re looking for the wrong thing. Rather than time, which is largely out of your control – how many of us have wished for an extra hour or two in the day? It never happens, does it? If you’re like me trying to control time, you take things off your schedule only to find other things have filled the gap and you still don’t have any extra time, you’ve only got a new routine. Rather than wishing for more time, enough time, I propose you seek to have more energy. The coaching process I use with my clients is called the Core Energy Coaching process. At its very root is the science that we are all made of energy and that our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions have an energetic signature that either depletes or restores us. All day long we are think