Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

Bonus Episode: Common Stress Reactions That Derail You [Part 2]



This episode represents the last of three bonus episodes that I have dedicated to talking about who we are not. Namely, out alter-ego that has a tendency to appear when we are under stress. I introduced the concept of the alter-ego in Bonus Episode 18, Defining Who You Are Starts With Who You Are Not, and dove into two of the most common stress reactions in Bonus Episode 19, Common Stress Reactions That Derail You [Part 1]. In this episode I’m going to give an overview of two other common stress reactions and what you can do if you choose not to utilize these reactions in any given moment. I say choose because I want to underline that there is no right or wrong in how you respond to stress it’s just that some reactions will move you toward your goals while others will move you away from your goals. Tolerating/coping: The Chameleon  While this stress reaction is much more agreeable and feels better than shutting down or over-reacting, if you constantly choose this method of dealing with stress you will never b