Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

Bonus Episode: Weaknesses vs. Your Superpowers



Before I dive into the topic for today there’s something I want to underscore: we are all leaders and the first person we lead is ourselves. That’s why leadership development looks a lot like personal development – because it is. As you know yourself better and have better facility over leading and inspiring yourself, you will be better able to bring that to other people. And before you know it you are having better conversations, attracting the type of people you want to be attracting into your business and your life and then getting the results that take you right to your goal, to your dream or vision…however you articulate it. Everything you do to raise your own awareness will have a ripple effect on your life. If at any time you feel like you need to really take this on and work with a coach directly don’t hesitate to reach out to me. It’s what I’m here for. Okay, so we already got through our stress reactions and who we are not and we dove into finding out who we truly are. We’ve done the work to name ou