Nicole Bremner

Neuroscience geek on what it takes to be a High Definition You - Gita Trevorrow-Seymour #45



High Definition You is the brain child of Gita Trevorrow-Seymour. Her love affair with human behaviour began at age 6 when she attended her first play. Who, she wondered, couldn’t be fascinated with the inner workings of the human being and how we portray ourselves and how we are perceived?! Understanding what makes humans tick and what forms ‘character’ developed over the decades from a fascination to an occupation. An unexpected passion and current study into applied neuroscience now deeply informs the approach we take at High Definition You and our focus on how we can transform the mindset and ‘confidence’ of our clients. We love inspiring a-ha moments but we live to empower our clients to take action. Having sat through too many dull trainings in her corporate career, Gita is determined to equip our clients with a toolkit full of practical techniques that are not only easy to remember and implement but also have a huge impact on their personal and professional happiness, motivation, engagement and success