Nicole Bremner

Property with purpose and nurturing a new breed of socially-conscious landlord with View From My Window founder Lorraine Thomas. #95



“Young people today have such a tough time, on every level. If people have a roof over their head, everything shifts for them.” Lorraine Thomas is a risk-taking, changemaking, life-enhancing visionary. She took a leap from a successful career in business development for the legal sector to property development, where one of her key focuses is helping young disadvantaged adults get on the ladder. Over half of the investment property that Lorraine renovates through her company, View from My Window, has a social element attached to it and part of her business focuses on encouraging a new breed of landlord with a social conscious. “When my parents first came to this country, when they knocked on that door and there were those signs saying, 'No dogs, no Irish, no blacks', somebody took a chance on them and said ‘okay you can rent a room with me’. I want to be that person today. We are taking a chance on people who other landlords wouldn’t,” she explains.Lorraine has been nominated for dozens of awards an