Nicole Bremner

Reinvention and reincarnation with Rescu founder and editor Bahar Etminan #103



“Once you’ve been through the worst thing that could happen to you and you don’t die, it gives you an enormous amount of self-respect and confidence.” Today my guest is yet another fellow Australian, Bahar Etminan, who is founder and editor of Rescu, a digital magazine for women featuring curated content and advice on how to live a life more fabulous. The online collection of daily articles on style, substance and success, have been written and curated by experts in a variety of sectors from technology, personal finance and property to fashion, beauty and mindfulness. Bahar was a relatively early adopter of digital publishing technology in Australia and had to work incredibly hard to prove Rescu’s place alongside Australia’s once thriving print-dominated magazine market. Since then her business has had to continue to adapt to meet the ever-changing landscape as marketeers have shifted their advertising budgets from print to digital to social media and back again. Bahra talks about all the highs and lows of be