RIA Weekly

Episode 100: “I’ve seen The Hot Dog more times this week than 2FA,” or, is The Hot Dog incremental innovation, or disruptive innovation?



“Which chasm is being leaped by this hot dog app?” Sniffing out a huge market in hot dog apps, Amazon might start a messaging app. Also, Google has their ant-data gravity device out and Basho seems to be shutting down. We discuss the wonders of Snap’s hot dog app, the mystery of Amazon’s lack(?) of brand allegiance, and giving up on kale. “Share price down? I gotcha bro.” Dancing Hot Dog (https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2017/07/11/snapchat-hotdog-meme-explained/468211001/). Amazon to Start a Messaging App Link (https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/16/15978920/amazon-anytime-messaging-app-rumor) I get the whole need to control networks, but it seems like we’ve kinda saturated a lot of these (Allo, is this thing on?). Why not just buy Slack? (Wasn’t that a rumor (http://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-interested-in-buying-slack-2017-6)? Could this be that diapers.com-style retaliation.) 80m Prime customers Twitch and “Stimpy.” The pair of people doing Minecraft. @profgalloway Uber driver on Whole Food