RIA Weekly

Episode 162: The diapers.com effect, also, LTS and the mysteries of software pricing



Are we still on that open source licensing thing? Yes. “The most boring topic of all time.” Also, Slack's logo and long term support software monetization models: how do they work? Summary: “Diapers.com buster (AKA Amazon)” “What is someone really selling with LTS?” “Artful genitals.” “It’s not butt ducks” “I’ve had three dogs since then…” Microsoft laughed. This week’s cover art from TheNextWeb (https://thenextweb.com/apps/2019/01/16/slack-has-a-new-logo-and-umm-you-be-the-judge/). MONGO, MONGO, MONGO! MongoDB Issues New Server Side Public License for MongoDB Community Server (https://www.mongodb.com/press/mongodb-issues-new-server-side-public-license-for-mongodb-community-server) MongoDB not in RHEL 8.0 (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8-beta/html/8.0_beta_release_notes/new-features#web_servers_databases_dynamic_languages_2) MongoDB "open-source" Server Side Public License rejected (https://www.zdnet.com/article/mongodb-open-source-server-side-public-license-rejected/)