RIA Weekly

Episode 292: Wrap Around Analysis



This week we discuss a potential Box/Dropbox merger, Discord rumors and the meaning of work. Plus, what happens when you spill water on your laptop? Rundown Could Box and Dropbox Merge? @themotleyfool #stocks $BOX $DBX $MSFT (https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/03/28/could-box-and-dropbox-merge/) Prof. Galloway likes MSFT buying Discord (https://twitter.com/pivotpod/status/1375824932785909760?s=21) Amazon Twitter War (https://twitter.com/delrey/status/1376278015680843779?s=21) Work / Life Tech Support: How can I cope with my meaningless job, and maddening manager? (https://techworker.com/2021/03/29/tech-support-how-can-i-cope-with-my-meaningless-job-and-maddening-manager/) Solomon Hykes is back (https://twitter.com/solomonstre/status/1376725608747593731) McKinsey’s advice to European banks (https://twitter.com/cote/status/1377487540102569984): don’t bring an entourage to meetings. Relevant to your interests IBM doubles down on OpenShift (https://www.protocol.com/newsletters/protocol-enterprise/ibm-red-hat-ope