RIA Weekly

Episode 322: I didn’t make these rules



This week we discuss the launch of Cloudflare R2 Storage and the DevRel Salary Survey. Plus, some thoughts on nuts… Rundown Cloudflare Announcing Cloudflare R2 Storage: Rapid and Reliable Object Storage, minus the egress fees (https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-r2-object-storage/) How Cloudflare thinks it can become ‘the fourth major public cloud’ (https://www.protocol.com/enterprise/cloudflare-r2-storage-aws) @Cloudflare R2 this way rounds up to 13¢. With @awscloud S3 it’s $59,247.52. (https://twitter.com/quinnypig/status/1443076111651401731?s=21) DevRel 2021 DevRel Salary Survey results (https://dev.to/bffjossy/2021-devrel-salary-survey-results-table-of-contents-43fe) Big tech and promotion processes that lead to unnecessary complexity and waste. (https://twitter.com/gergelyorosz/status/1442162670753431559) Relevant to your interests iPhone Carrier Deal Spreadsheet (https://twitter.com/backlon/status/1441509334324707329?s=21) We asked celebrities what they think Tanzu and Kubernetes means (https://twit