RIA Weekly

Episode 369: DJ .pptx FINAL_0707-V2



If capitalism is so great, why aren’t we working less? We discuss the potential for the GDP to finally do something for us, plus simplifying “sovereign cloud” and the potential of containers with their own jurisdiction. Also, thoughts on PowerPoint filenames. Runner-up Titles Also true, Less Money, Mo Problems Should have just been titled “Mo’ Problems.” Pancakes in Australia Australian names for pancakes: jackies, thin roundies, carbo-jacks, Yankee Breakfast Discs, flappies/flappos. Rentie and Rentos - “I’m renting, so it’s terrible.” Presentation-Final-V2.pptx DJ .PPTX Final_V2 I learned nothing about slide naming in college conferencekeynote-roughdraftfeedbackwelcome.pptx The Software Defined Fund Surfboard popped up and slapped my willies. Lean into it, or be leaned into. Rundown Sovereign cloud as a test of cloud differentiation Microsoft adding in more sovereign cloud stuff (https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-adds-cloud-for-sovereignty-to-its-line-up/) . There’s a stack of software you can move to