RIA Weekly

Episode 424: William Morgan on Service Mesh, Linkerd and eBPF



Brandon interviews William Morgan, Buoyant CEO and creator of Linkerd. They discuss building cloud native platforms, the need for Service Mesh, Linkerd and eBPF. Plus, some thoughts on the rise of Rust as the preferred systems programming language. Show Links Linkerd (https://linkerd.io) Buoyant (https://buoyant.io) eBPF, sidecars, and the future of the service mesh (https://buoyant.io/blog/ebpf-sidecars-and-the-future-of-the-service-mesh) Cloud Native Computing Foundation Reaffirms Istio Maturity with Project Graduation (https://www.cncf.io/announcements/2023/07/12/cloud-native-computing-foundation-reaffirms-istio-maturity-with-project-graduation/) Contact William LinkedIn: wmogran (https://www.linkedin.com/in/wmorgan/) Twitter: @wm (https://twitter.com/wm) SDT news & hype Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack). Get a SDT Sticker! Send your postal address to stickers@softwaredefinedtalk.com (mailto:stickers@softwaredefinedtalk.com) and we will send you free laptop stickers! Follow us o