Sun Happens

Falling for the Enneagram: Type 4



Join us for a Fall full of everything enneagram. In this episode we give a brief introduction into type 4- The Individualiat in an interview with our friend, Morgan Westphal. Type 4s Are The Sensitive, Introspective Type: Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental. Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal. Cheers to personal growth.Be sure to follow the host Marissa on Instagram/TikTok @TheMarissaBaker, @SunHappensOfficial Lastly, make sure you never miss what is happening by subscribing to Sun Happens Email list at And Remember, Sun Happens. When you can't find it, create it.SunHappens podcast sponsored by frendzy - Find your frendzy making new friends through new experiences. A new era of experiences over swiping: