Sun Happens

Navigating Life Transitions (like DIVORCE), with Beth Hinze



Hi, My name is Marissa and I'm a happy go lucky ray of freaking sunshine. I'm also known on TikTok for being married and divorced twice before the age of 30. You know what they say… Sh*t happens. This season we will be talking about all things divorce. The good, the bad, and the ugly… bc divorce happens. Maybe you're considering divorce, but feel you know this big life decision will change your life forever...  Beth Hinze  is a Life Transitions Coach for people who are experiencing a life "quake" - a shake up that may be rocking your current world. Beth brings humor, lightness, and compassion to a sometimes heavy period in life with the intention that it will bring you some peace as well as hope. These transition periods aren't forever, and they do have some amazing silver linings. Let's walk through your life transitions together and empower you to step into the gifts that life's challenges can bring.  She sets the stage for this safe space to talk about the hard stuff