Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Boost your immunity step 10 – Release your negative emotions to empower you.



How to release your “negative” emotions to empower you and your immune system.  Get your guided healing audio to do that here: noticed that when you go into a room full of happy people, you start feeling happy?  How about if you go into a room of people arguing?  Don’t you start to get irritated?  It’s kind of like mob mentality, people pick up on the emotions the others are feeling.  With today’s issues, first starting with the fear and anxiety of the pandemic, a lot of people declared that they were feeling anxious too. These emotions run hot but are low energy and really bring your energy down.Human emotions can be divided in four basic categories.  Everything else is a nuance or mixture of the four,  much as all colors we perceive are mixtures of three basic colors plus lightness/darkness.  These four basic emotions are fear, happiness, sadness, and anger.  I find them easy to remember as mad, sad, glad, and fear.  Nuances of fear emotions are anxiety, dread, wor