HALO Talks

Episode #393: Uncovering The Secrets Of Influencer Management With Growson Edwards: How To Mobilize Your Brand Community



Growson Edwards is a software entrepreneur and founder of CIPIO.ai, a Community Commerce marketing platform that helps brands mobilize & monetize their brand communities. He has extensive experience in the SaaS space, having grown his last company to $100 million in revenue and sold it. After meeting his two partners, they took on the challenge of building a Community Commerce Marketing Platform. A year later, he had close to 50 brands on his platform, including some of the biggest in the fitness industry. He was able to help them understand their followers better, as well as help influencers understand their own influence. His dedication to helping brands reach their goals has paid off, and he is now on a mission to elevate the lives of others. "Influencer marketing" is a very loaded term, and (generally speaking) tends not to be thought of highly (for various reasons.) Growson dives into that headfirst in this marketing masterclass! He states, "People who buy followers. . .it's a real issue and a very c