HALO Talks

Episode #445: Solving Mental Illness Through Technology | Dr. Bechara Saab of Mobio Interactive



Dr. Bechara Saab is a classically trained chemist with a passion for understanding the intricacies of the human mind. After completing his Ph.D in neuroscience at Mount Sinai in Toronto, Dr. Saab pursued a career as a principal investigator at the University of Zurich, where he opened his own laboratory. Through his work, he made a groundbreaking discovery - a strong correlation between the lack of exploratory drive in individuals with mental illness and their symptoms. This revelation prompted him to delve deeper into the field of mental health. He faced a major obstacle in his journey however. Situated in a psychiatry hospital, he witnessed how his colleagues, despite their passion and dedication, lacked access to objective tools when delivering treatment. This limitation had hindered the progress of psychiatry for centuries. Determined to change the landscape of mental health treatment, Dr. Saab recognized the revolutionary potential of objective measurement in the field. The ability to treat the brain as