HALO Talks

Episode #490: bKYND-Alexa Newkirk's Mission to Improve Youth Health and Wellness



Alexa Newkirk has always seen wellness and fitness as her sanctuary—a vital outlet from the everyday challenges of adolescence and an effective tool in her battle against anxiety and depression during high school. Recognizing the profound impact that holistic health—encompassing physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being—had on her life, Alexa was inspired to dedicate herself to guiding young individuals in discovering their own passion for health and wellness. At bKYND ("Be Kind"), where she is an advocate for a holistic wellness model, Alexa continues to fuel her commitment to nurturing inclusive environments that empower youth to thrive in all aspects of life. Her work is a reflection of her own journey and a testament to her belief in the transformative power of well-rounded health practices. bKYND uniquely blends physical activities with educational discussions, reaching various schools and impacting thousands of students by making wellness accessible and engaging. Join host Pete Moore and Alexa