Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Narada Michael Walden Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson



Narada Michael Walden Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Wow! I’ve seen hundreds of photos, loads of videos - I’ve never seen Narada Michael Walden in an orange bowler. When was the last time I wore orange? InSync! From the first moment to the last, what a glorious, grateful, exuberant lovefest. Narada is as passionate, fun, inviting, and accessible as his music. We talked about his first paper drumkit at 5, how he watched, listened, and learned from his heroes. How the soul sounds of Detroit shaped him, how it’s all soul sounds. From his first band at 11 to the Mahavishnu Orchestra, which would change his life in all ways… adding prayer. mediation, service, and Narada to his name, gifted by his guru, Sri Chinmoy, thanks to John McLaughlin, and of course, the music, following in Billy Cobham’s big footsteps, touring with Jeff Beck, then recording Wired with him, writing “material” for the album, the full circle back to Beck a decade ago and the story behind their masterpiece version of Little Wing.